Frederick Dad and Daughters Featured in ‘MPower’ Marvel Series

A Fan’s Journey: From Frederick to Marvel’s MPower

In the realm of superheroes, few characters have captured the hearts and minds of audiences like Marvel’s Black Panther. For one Frederick resident, Darian Robbins, the journey from being a devoted fan to becoming a part of the Marvel Universe became a reality through the incredible opportunity presented by the “MPower” series. Darian shares his story, his family’s connection to Frederick, and the fantastic experience of being a part of Marvel’s latest project.

Family Ties and Community Involvement

Darian Robbins’ has strong ties to the city of Frederick. His parents, Earl, and Olivia Robbins, decided to move to Frederick in 1978, along with Darian and his older brother, Dwaine Robbins. Darian’s younger sister, Dr. Danielle Chukwumah, joined them later. The Robbins family’s active participation and engagement in the Frederick community highlight their deep-rooted connections and desire to make a positive impact. 

By immersing themselves in various roles and actively contributing to improving education and the community, they have left an indelible mark on Frederick. Darian’s upbringing within such a supportive and involved family surely significantly shaped his values and aspirations. The strong sense of community instilled in him by his parents continues to resonate as Darian embarks on his path, forging connections and pursuing his passions. Through his involvement in the “MPower” series, Darian represents his family and symbolizes the vibrant spirit and dedication of the Frederick community. 

Darian Robbins’ story is a testament to the profound impact of family ties and community involvement. It showcases how a strong foundation and a sense of belonging can inspire individuals to dream big, explore their passions, and make a difference in their unique ways.

The Discovery of the “MPower” Opportunity

Darian reveals how he stumbled upon the “MPower” opportunity through social media. He was approached by a casting director from Pittman Casting, opening the door to a remarkable journey.

Behind the Scenes of “MPower”

Darian takes us through the process of becoming a part of the “MPower” series. Although the show premiered in 2023, the filming took place in January 2022 in Los Angeles. 

The Herzog Company, contracted by Marvel Studios, orchestrated the production and logistics. Darian vividly recounts his initial contact with the casting agent, followed by rounds of meetings and interviews with the casting company, show producers, and other crew members. The final interview lasted approximately five hours at Herzog’s studio, where Darian experienced the thrill of being treated like a celebrity.

A Father’s Love and the Portrayal on Screen

Darian describes his deep connection with his daughters and how the documentary authentically portrays their relationship. He expresses his immense love and pride for his daughters and their confidence in presenting themselves and their shared adventures. In his own words, Darian says, “My daughters mean the world to me. They are my driving force and the reason I work so hard to be the greatest parent I can be. I’m overjoyed with how the documentary portrays our love and connection since it really captures the sincerity of our relationship.”

Embracing the Nerdy and Geeky Side

Darian has a passion for comics, sci-fi, NASA, and art. His favorite part of the “MPower” project was the extensive interview, where he had the opportunity to share his lifelong love for these subjects. In his own words, Darian explains, “talking about my passion for comics, sci-fi, NASA, and art was a dream come true. It allowed me to embrace my nerdy and geeky side and feel validated in my interests. The short sequence featured on ‘MPower’ only scratches the surface of the two-hour interview, but it allowed me to express my enthusiasm and knowledge for these subjects.”

Daughters’ Reactions and Success

Darian shares his daughters’ surprise and joy upon seeing the final result of the documentary. Despite initial nervousness about answering questions, Darian encouraged them to be themselves, resulting in outstanding performances that exceeded all expectations. Reflecting on his daughters’ reactions, Darian states, “Seeing the joy and pride on my daughters’ faces when they watched the documentary was priceless. They embraced the opportunity with such confidence and authenticity. I couldn’t be prouder of them.”

From Fan Art to Fan Recognition

Darian’s connection to Marvel runs deep from his avid comic book-collecting days in high school. He reminisces about his collection, particularly his love for Marvel’s X-Men. When news broke of the upcoming Black Panther film, Darian’s excitement propelled him to create a series of mock real-world magazine covers featuring the iconic superhero. Sharing his artwork on social media, his creations quickly went viral, gaining attention from prominent figures like Ava Duvernay and industry professionals such as Asad Ayaz, the current President of Disney Marketing. Darian’s talent and dedication caught the eye of the late Chadwick Boseman, the actor who portrayed Black Panther, earning him praise and recognition.

When I heard that they were finally going to bring the Black Panther, I was thoroughly excited to see a major black superhero come to life on screen. Being that I am a fairly good artist and graphic designer, I decided to channel my excitement into doing a set of mock real world magazine covers that featured T’Challa, The Black Panther, played by the late great Chadwick Boseman, as well as other characters and aspects about Wakanda that people might not know about.  I created the covers and posted them on my social media accounts, and they went viral in June 2015.The buzz caused a writer with polygon.com to do a writeup about the covers and that pretty much established me as a fan-artist to watch in regard to Black Panther. I went on to create a lot more fan art that garnered social media follows from celebrities like Ava Duvernay, industry professionals, like the now President of Disney Marketing, Asad Ayaz, and praise from Chadwick Boseman.

To Marvel and Beyond…

Darian Robbins’s journey from being a dedicated fan to becoming a part of Marvel’s “MPower” is a prime illustration of the power of a supportive and enthusiastic community and the incredible opportunities that can arise from following one’s dreams. Through the “MPower” opportunity, Darian got to experience the behind-the-scenes magic of the Marvel Universe. From the initial discovery of the chance to the extensive interviews and ultimately seeing the final portrayal of his family on screen, Darian’s journey was filled with excitement and joy. 

As Darian continues to navigate his journey as a devoted fan, artist, and family man, one thing is clear: his passion and dedication will continue to shape his life and inspire those around him. Darian Robbins’ narrative is a tribute to the transforming power of following one’s aspirations and accepting one’s real self, from Frederick to the Marvel Universe.



Categories: Street Talk
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