Invisible Systems: A Musical Journey into Race and Privilege

In a world where art and activism often intersect, a unique show is making waves by using a blend of original songs, dialogue, personal stories, and visuals to explore the author’s experience of her societal position, advantages, and realizations about personal and systemic racism. The show, Invisible Systems, performed by Lisa Bromfield and Angela Bowden, is a powerful exploration of the intersectionality of race, privilege, and societal structures.

The hour-long performance is a deep dive into the author’s personal journey using seven original songs as a narrative backbone. These songs, written by Lisa and Bill Bromfield, serve as a poignant soundtrack to the author’s experiences and realizations. The dialogue and personal stories, penned by L. Bromfield and A. Bowden, provide a raw and honest look at the author’s societal position and the advantages that come with it.

The visuals, created by L. Bromfield and A. Bowden, further enhance the narrative, providing a visual representation of the themes and experiences discussed in the show. The recordings, done by Bill Bromfield, ensure that every word, note, and visual is captured with the utmost clarity and precision.

The show doesn’t end when the curtain falls. After a short break, the audience is invited to participate in a facilitated conversation. This discussion allows audience members to reflect on the themes of the show, share their thoughts and experiences, and engage in a dialogue about personal and systemic racism.

Audience feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. One audience member described the show as a “really unique presentation… Kind of a new medium. I loved it!” Others praised the show as “thought-provoking,” “moving and impressive,” and a “powerful and profound” exploration of race and privilege. Many expressed a desire to see the show performed for many audiences, highlighting the importance and relevance of its themes.

Tickets for the show are available from https://endangeredspecies.my.salesforce-sites.com/ticket/#/. Given the powerful themes and unique presentation style, this is a show that promises to leave audiences moved, challenged, and inspired.

In a world where conversations about race and privilege are more important than ever, this show provides a unique and powerful platform for these discussions. Through its blend of music, dialogue, personal stories, and visuals, it offers a raw and honest exploration of personal and systemic racism, and the societal positions and advantages that intersect with these issues.


Categories: Street Talk