West Side Library Budget Hearing January 25

As the most populated and colorful side of town, the west side continues to be overlooked.

District 3 is home to the west side, or affectionately known as the Golden Mile or 40. The West Frederick community has been historically disinvested. The well for promises in the distance and electoral talking points, Route 40 is often used but never replenished. For years, residents on 40 felt their voices went unheard; deserving resources were allocated to other parts of town that were considered more of a priority. Local advocates and organizations are challenging County government to act on building initiatives and resources 40 residents need. 

[READ: Specks of Gold]

The community asks: “Do our elected officials value our marginalized community members, particularly families and children of color, enough to invest in them?”

One of the initiatives being pushed is a community library to be built in the upcoming Westside Regional Park. Former County Executive Jan Gardner advised $3.6M in additional funding is needed to begin library construction in 2025. However, the City of Frederick has already committed $7.5M to locating a recreation center and creating a resource hub — it is up to the County to match the commitment in funding for the Library.

Your help is needed.

On Wednesday, January 25th, County Executive Jessica Fitzwater will be hosting the District 3 budget hearing at Waverley Elementary at 7 PM. The community is needed to communicate our needs on 40 and ensure they are met.

Calls to Action:

Fund the Library Project this year: the County Executive should make the Library at Westside Regional Park a priority project in this year’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to begin adding the necessary funds for construction by FY2025.

  • Coordinate the County’s future library with the City’s budgeted community center on the same property behind Butterfly Elementary to create a resource hub.
  • Construction contract dollars should proportionately include ethnic minorities, and the operation of the library should reflect racial and ethnic diversity at all staff levels.

Please sign the petition in support of prioritizing equity in this year’s budget:


40 deserves better. Will you be there?

Watch the budget hearing here.

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